Utilising the principles of the circular economy
Green parts – Our team in Spain recovers, restores, and reuses car parts and tyres from vehicles that have been discarded or considered as scrap.
Utilising the principles of the circular economy
The global economy is consuming a diminishing supply of non-renewable natural resources. This drives an increasing focus on efficient resource management, pursuing circular economy principles, outsourcing, and repurposing.
Many high-value vehicle materials are already captured and recycled, but this is being extended across the supply chain, with an increasing focus on minimising landfill and reusing or repairing non-degradable elements such as plastics.
The success of ZIGUP’s end-to-end integrated mobility services is predicated on maximising vehicle life through efficient management, operation, and repair. We have committed to embedding circular economy principles in our procurement strategy and operations to minimise waste generation and achieve zero waste to landfill by 2025.
We have developed a policy on resource efficiency and waste, emphasising the importance of understanding the cost of goods and services over their lifecycle and considering their environmental impact. In collaboration with operations, our procurement team continually works towards optimising the cost and impact of goods and services over their lifecycle.
(CRP) Centro de Recuperación de piezas (Parts recovery centre)
Our team in Spain recovers, restores, and reuses car parts and tyres from vehicles that have been discarded or considered as scrap. Parts considered safety parts are not recovered. Operating locations in Algete, Seville and Zaragoza work together to support the recovery process and ensure these parts are reused to service and repair our fleet.
The benefits of this recovery process are:-
- It reduces the amount of waste that would be sent to landfill sites.
- Lowers environmental impact by reducing the need to produce new parts.
- Provides a more affordable option for our fleet.
- Can avoid vehicle stoppages due to limited stock of new parts
In FY24 the CRP recovered €3.6m worth of car parts and tyres from vehicles, up from €2.4m in FY23, an increase of around 50%.